Failure on the part of bully Bush to produce BinLaden a scape goat was needed to calm the voters.Saddam was the ideal candidate his country situated in a very strategic area.Claiming that saddam had weapons to scare the universe he became an easy target especially when one is known to be a dictator. There is a saying in french which goes like this. ''qui veut faire tuer son chien l'accuse d'avoir la rage '' which would translate freely as ''if you want your dog killed you say he has the rabies '' obviously no one will go near him enough to verify that it is true and they will jump on the bandwagon and shoot on sight. So Tony Blair blindly joined Bush then there were all kinds of little countries who could benefit from a war who banded and it became some kind of coalition. How legal was it ?
NO NUKES, well no one wants to seem alarmist or ridicule, let us provoke the bastard into hiding. If he hides it is because he fears something. wrongdoings of course, he knows they will get him for something no matter what, they still have not produced BinLaden so why not Saddam. And they did but to hang him they had to put a legitimate Government in place, and so they did.Their hands are clean.Still no BinLaden but the world is now too busy to think about him. But he walks and carries a big stick called ISLAM.
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