It is a proven fact that many people suffer from post holiday
depression. What are the reasons for this ? well there are many.
Some people go crazy during the holiday period in that sense
that they tend to overdoe everything. But you have your regular
run of the mill person who can for numerous reasons go through
this type of depression once the xmas tree is down and the numerous
parties seem far behind. No more decorations, no more good
wishes and the storekeepers are'nt as nice as they were when
they wanted your gift money. You now have to work to pay off
the xmas debts, now that can be a bummer.
Believe you me, from behind my bar I see many people going through
a depression when the ho-ho-ho's are over.They spent too much, they
were dumped by temporary (escorts for the parties) girlfriends or
boyfriends. The boss wants results (his resolution to kick ass) , then it
will be income tax filing time, some have to lose a few pounds etc..etc...
My advice as confessor from behind the bar, remember that people are
more sensitive to everything around this time of year because of the
frenzy, don't overdoe it. You will not insult anyone, you will not get in
a fight, you will not have an accident. Make it a point to start buying your
gifts early a little at a time. Set a bit of money aside to go south after the
holidays you will get more sun that way, because during winter the days
are shorter and darker and that is depressing.Plan to go to the gym, you'll
meet new people, and feel better for it. Go to a tanning salon, buy a sunlamp,
spend time with the kids. '' You have a problem when strangers at the bar
become your family and your family members become strangers.''
Enjoy the HOLIDAYS , BEST WISHES Ye old barman
Libellés : depression, mental health, psychologie, psychology, santé mentale
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