The main reason the movie E.T. (the extra terrestrial ) was so
popular and appealed to so many people regardless of who they
were, is because in all religions you have some DIVINE BEING
that at one point came to this earth to spread a message of peace,
then returned to wherever it came from.
Jews like claim that they are the'' chosen people'' This
is no better than Hitler claiming that Arians are the superior race.
If a dog hates a cat, the cat in return hates the mouse etc.. All men
are animals and the caveman believed that there was some kind of
divine power guiding his destiny or at least was responsible for creating
the stars and the trees and what have you that surrounded him.
All religions claim that God made man to his image, (sorry folks..)
it's the other way around. Man created God to his image regardless
of where he was or who he was . Black gods, yellow gods.etc.
Also, all groups believe that somekind of message was handed down
to mankind be it through tablets,scrolls,and other miraculous writings.
. All these old scriptures were written by human beings
with their flaws, ambitions and goodness. So they are bound to be inter
preted differently by different people with different flaws, ambitions
and goodness. The authors of these documents did not go through
psychoanalysis to get rid of their personal bugs before writing these
documents. Just like the plants, animals and other
living matters they served a purpose, that of being the gap filler between
generations, that is to say being born, procreating and transmitting values
they believed to be true to other generations and then dying.
If for a moment people stopped believing that they and only they, possess
the truth we would not have wars, but the amusing (not funny) part is
that, it is not religion but power that drives people to wage wars. If all
people believed that there is only one God (or no God at all) peace could
reign in some sort of way. but it is an impossibility.
What makes this earth turn is bi-polarity, oneforce against another and that ,
we will never be able to change.
The rich laugh at the poor while the poor make fun of the rich, the fat laugh
at the skinny and vice versa and so on. We all have differences depending
on which part of the world we are from. It is the belief that some are
superior to others that is evil. (survival of the species, read Darwin) So peace
will never be there in reality, but one reality does exist it is that if the human
race is given a common ennemy then it will unite everybody. Some of these
ennemies do exist. Amongst them are global warming , aids, child poverty,
malnutrition etc. but all these causes seem to leave many people indifferent.
What do we need ?a star war ? Maybe other movies where we all have
something in common,but we seem to forget that reality is worse than fiction.
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