Ever get that feeling that if only you could wake-up in January ? Well many people do, so you are not the exception. For one thing you may not have planned ahead of time or all the preparations are more demanding for the amount of energy you can muster. But this is normal it is the end of the year and you are tired. Honestly you feel that the whole period is an imposition on you.
You will be spending your hard earned money to buy gifts for people you don't care about that much, or for new additions to the split-up family. You will be forced to attend parties or receptions you would rather not attend and would prefer just staying at home in bed or reading a good book.
Well yes some of it is an imposition, having to see the brother-in-law who is way better off than you are, the arrow throwing bitch of a sister- in-law. The reminders that you screwed up your life or failed grade 10 about 20 years ago , they will all be there again. New shoes for the kids will be at the top of the list so you are not accused of child neglect, new fashions for the wife for those office functions, hauling luggage and diapers and kids to your parent's place several hundreds of miles away in the middle of the night and sleeping on uncomfortable sofas for a few nights with no sex and you are on vacation.
It's all there and you know what ? it will be the same next year. You wish you could all make it
just go away but you can't. You do it for the kids, you do it for your parents, for your office colleagues you do it for your spouse, and that is the spirit of Christmas. Giving a bit of yourself
to everbody. There is a consolation however, OTHERS ARE DOING THE SAME FOR YOU.
Libellés : gratification, greetings, humour, psychology
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