From behind the bar I heard this conversation going on.
'' have you seen my hondurian yet ? '' '' No, and you have'nt seen my little chinese yet have you ?
Well they might as well have replaced Hondurian by PUG and chinese by LHASA-APSO, I was thinking to myself in disgust . I knew these customers
therefore I knew they were talking about their adopted children.
I can well understand that in some countries little girls are not so welcomed and that their less than envious plight would in some cases require the intervention of the U.N. but to hear people talk about these children as if they were some new car model or breed of dogs is sickening.
This new trend of bringing in kids from another continent where they will
never fit in , having brothers and sisters that do not at all look like them must make them feel like real outsiders.
This customer was telling me that as an orphan he was never adopted, and he spent his life between this home and that home. Upon his 18th birthday he was given a welfare check and sent on his way not being prepared for the outside world. BUT worst still, to this day,he is asking himself what his origins are. Imagine on a different continent with a bunch of people that are so different from you.
This market has to stop. These children are used as status symbols. (Look I can afford a 20,000 $ chinese, and so on.)
If Madonna wants to help, She can setup some kind of fund, where there will be shelter, and food and schooling for David, She does not have to have him close to her like a damned poodle to pet him when she feels like it and show him off as if he were a prize puppy.
YE OLD BARMAN ( apologies to David and his family for the comparison)
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