Certainly the whole Hérouville story creates a certain discomfort, but it well serves it's purpose of creating a platform for discussion.Politicians are caught between political careers and politics. The true racists that were wearing veils (no punn intended, well maybe yes) are coming out of the closet.One thing it has also done is help the communities of various sources to come out and express their own racism towards other races living in the Québec society. The little song written by the police officer was sent to me by a Brazilian immigrant, and she thought it was so funny, maybe because of our latino links. It has helped Canadians as a whole to question their own forms of racism. An American writes that we are wacked and I suppose we are a bit to get our soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan because of the Americans supposed liberation of the Iraqui people. A Muslim woman writes that Québec is a '' terre d'ignorance'' (land of ignorance) and that all women here in the 1800's were prostitutes and Québecers should learn their history,she needs to learn that most women were living in rural areas raising large families so clergy would smoke cigars,have the nicest buggies in town and scare the hell out of people '' they would all burn in hell.'' I like the way she ends her post with (...When the ignorant talks...) miror miror on the wall. We all need to learn history, mostly that of the country that grants us asylum, do we not?
The Hérouxville code got worldwide attention,but it gets people to realize that it is not just a little '' hick town '' problem it is planet-wide. It is natural that people find cultural differences from which we can all benefit. That is the very basis of the learning process any child goes through, differentiating colours, words, symbols. The child also is influenced by models and stories. Ali Baba and the fory thieves were not very Italian or German.They came from Arab countries which people did not know much about and in a way I suppose ,a lot of us still don't. Poor Sheherazade getting beheaded was a pratice we had'nt been used to other than hearing the Indians scalping our ancerters .The 911 EVENTS is however the ADULT story most people remember.
We don't block immigrants out at the border automatically, not in this part of North America, anyway. We don't have KKK, we are just using ONTARIO'S slogan. YOURS TO DISCOVER........and this is how we do things here. a
Libellés : André Boisclair, boisclair, CANADA, Charest, HÉROUXVILLE, IGNORANCE, LEARNING, politics racism, quebec, religion
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