Many comments are written about the humiliation Eliot Spitzer is imposing on his wife Silda Wall by '' having'' her stand next to him on the grand stand. I feel it is her duty to do so, she shared the glory, now she has to share the shame.
How many times did she benefit from her husband's position? check out New York state site, all photos of events and functions she would not have attended.
Lawyers will force family members to stand next to the accused in many instances to give an example of support and forgiveness. Look at Michael Jackson's family rounding up when he would have a court appearance, the same goes for the New-Jersey Governor having to put his wife through the humiliation of standing next to him, in her case the ''so-called betrayal'' was worst I would say.
Many of those mariages don't work out anyway, Look at the KENNEDY wives always present for pictures, look at HILLARY Clinton. What are a few moments standing there against ''shopping'' when the divorce is settled, after all they are not the ones who committed the adultery, in some cases they are responsible for the sexless mariage. There is always a payoff somewhere. Mariage has always been the exchange of a uterus for money ( giving an heir) this is why the legislator cannot make prostitution illegal.It is solliciting that is illegal.
Libellés : divorce, Eliot Spitzer, humiliation, NY Governor, Sex scandal