''N'' WORDS ALWAYS STAND FOR NEGATIVEMuch fuss has been made recently over the use of the ''N'' word
by Michael Richards at a comedy club, and frankly I wonder if
we are to be left indifferent by this or consider it ''N''bashing.
Barbara Streisand recently told a hackler to STFU and no big fuss
was made. When people choose to behave like animals they deserve
to be told so, and if they don't understand one way you have to use
their own language. When photographing a child you have to lower
to it's level in order to get a good shot and even have to use idiotic
''goo-goos and ga-gas ''to get their attention.When you go to a hardware
store and order some plumbing or electrical article and the clerck asks
'' male or female ? '' I have difficulty seeing all women banding together
because they are indignated that we use the term ''female'' in such a
loose manner.
When people choose to act like ''Ns''they should be told so. If you act
like a normal Human being you are treated as one.It gets me when you
hear complaints about racial profiling when in certain cases '' people ''bring
it on themselves.A simple example of this is the'' nylon stocking'' that many
young blacks wear even under their cap. Well to me that simply looks like a
person that is ready to commit a hold-up in a store or bank, always ready
to just cover their face with the stocking, that is what I call bringing it on to
yourself. Often times these new fashions are brought about by ''role models ''
such as rappers and signers. These fashions influence KIDS that do not even
understanding what these different symbols represent ,they adopt these and then
complain that people see them NEGATIVELY . Well, have tatoos on your face
and people will see you as a hardened criminal. I know this guy who's lawyer
wanted to get him a reduced sentence (2 years minus 1 day )and he refused it.
He insisted on getting 2 years or more so he would be incarcerated in a fereral
penitenciary , otherwise HE WOULD NOT BE RESPECTED BY THE MILIEU
That type of attitude says a lot as to what role models are expected to do.
Not every black person has to be a basketball player, as if all black people can do
is be an athlete, I however feel that the black leaders are not doing enough to
influence the new generations.Watch people's court or other shows of that nature
and you don't get a very good opinion of black people in general. Women fighting
like animals and slashing each other with broken bottles.Here in the Montreal area
we have had a slew of break-ins, even when people were present, old people usually
and in all these cases the culprits are black, how do you forge a good opinion. A better
effort should be made to promote OUTSTANDING BLACK CITIZENS and I under-
stand that some effort is being made to do this but they are muffled by role models
who need a good talking to by the leaders of the black community, get rid of the ''rea
dy to hold someone-up look and other negative stereotyping elements and you will
start changing opinions. In photography you have a positive and a negative, and in
all languages BLACK starts with an ''N'' be it negro, negra, negre no matter in itself
it is not negative . In old movies the protagonist wore white and the antagonist
wore black, The clothes were black NOT THE MAN.
It is the behaviour that turns the word into an ''N'' word.I am tired of hearing that
poverty and social injustice are responsible for what is happening, try EDUCATION
As I have writtten about previously and was telling a black friend of mine, education
is needed as well from the negative white part of community. Manufacturers don't
even make plasters for people with dark skin and yet they make all kind of plasters
with rockets and bunnies for kids. It costs a lot more to make these with all the
art work and different colours than to produce a dark plaster instead of flesh colour
intended for darker skins.(some ignoramus wrote back '' why not make some with
polka dots while your'e at it ?) You would not see a white man wearing black electic
tape to cover the cuts on his lilly white face , would you ? That is what I say.
Libellés : bashing, black people, Kramer, N word, racism